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SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 (review only)

SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 is written by Katherine Sierra and Bert Bates. This SCJP exam preparation book is one of the fully integrated study system developed for the Java 6 exam 310-065. SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 is published by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. You can learn 100% topics for the SCJP exam and every chapter of this SCJP book is organized with key exam topics. This book is associated with a CD which contains practice test engine software, two full practice SCJP exam with answers, score report performance analyzer tool and bonus coverage of materials for the SCJP exam.
SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 explains the following topics in detail.
  1. This book teaches you Java 6 declaration and access controls, Operators, Flow control, Exceptions, Object orientation, strings, Classes, threads, and generics and collections.
  2. Moreover this SCJP Java 6 exam book covers I/O, Java Operators and developments, etc.
  3. You can get the information regarding the companion CD in the final chapter of this SCJP book.
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SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065

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Related Java, J2EE, JSP, SCJP, SCWCD, JCP, and J2ME books

Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (review only)

Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam is written by Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. This SCWCD exam preparation book helps students and programmers for learning J2EE 1.5 and JSP and definitely they will pass SCWCD exam. Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam is published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. You will learn to write servlets and JSPs, and learn to use JSP's Expression Language (EL).
Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam explain you the following topics in detail.
  1. You can learn Web application architecture, MVC and JSTL, etc.
  2. This book will help you to prepare SCWCD j2EE 1.5 exam.
  3. You can learn to deploy the web applications, enterprises design patterns such as STRUTS and Java Server Pages, etc.
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J2ME in a Nutshell (O'Reilly Java)

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J2ME in a Nutshell (review only)

J2ME in a Nutshell is written by Kim Topley. This J2ME book helps Java Programmers to write Java 2 Micro edition programs for embedded systems or mobile technology with the help of different API documentation included in this book. J2ME in a Nutshell is published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. You will learn J2ME classes, various Java J2ME API's, building GUI's for small devices, application designing for wireless environment, MIDP and MIDlets, etc.
J2ME in a Nutshell explain you the following topics in detail.
  1. You can learn the J2ME platform, J2ME connected limited device configuration, MIDP and MIDLets, etc.
  2. This book will make you clear about MIDLets user interface, low level MIDLets and MIDLets API, etc.
  3. Moreover this J2ME Book will help you to learn wireless Java Networking, J2ME command line tools, J2ME programming environments and J2ME packages and Classes, etc.
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J2ME in a Nutshell (O'Reilly Java)

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The J2EE Architect's Handbook (review only)

The J2EE Architect's Handbook is written by Derek C. Ashmore. This J2EE book contains lot of real world J2EE examples and it will definitely helps you to become a good J2EE architect . The J2EE Architect's Handbook is published by DVT Press. You will learn to design and develop J2EE based Java Applications, guide the development team, identify architecture issues, and effective estimate resource time and you can easily allocate development time.
The J2EE Architect's Handbook covers following topics
  1. You can learn Java J2EE based Project development and Project Cycle.
  2. This book make you master in Planning, designing and building J2EE applications.
  3. This J2EE Book finally teaches you testing and maintaining J2EE applications.
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The J2EE Architect's Handbook

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Java Power Tools (review only)

Java Power Tools is written by John Ferguson Smart. This book helps professional Java Programmers for doing their job well with 30 Java open source tools. Java Power Tools Edition is published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. You will learn to use Agile, RUP, XP, SCRUM and all other tools for optimizing the Java Projects. The Open source Java tools explained in this book is really helpful for better Java project developments.
Java Power Tools covers following topics
  1. You can learn Java build tool ANT and version control tools such as CVS and Subversion, etc.
  2. This Java Book teaches you quality control tools like CheckStyle, PMD and FindBugs, etc
  3. You will get aware about unit testing tools like JUnit 4 and TestNG, etc and you will learn Swing interfaces & web interfaces Issue management tools such as Bugzilla and Trac.
  4. Book make you clear about Continuous Integration tools such as Continuum, Cruise Control, LuntBuild and Hudson, etc.
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Java Power Tools

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Professional Java JDK 6 Edition (review only)

Professional Java JDK 6 Edition is written by W. Clay Richardson, Donald Avondolio, Scot Schrager, Mark W. Mitchell and Jeff Scanlon. This book helps professional java developers to know java api, java tools and also teaches them to solve wide range of problems. Professional Java JDK 6 Edition is published by Wrox. You can gain better knowledge about core jdk, ant, and junit, etc in better way.
Professional Java JDK 6 Edition covers following topics
  1. Make you aware of different java tools for good and efficient programming output.
  2. Teaches your java JFC, various steps to build web applications with model 1 and 2 architecture.
  3. Teaches you how to connect databases with xml using jdbc and jaxb.
  4. You can get knowledge about EJB 3.0 and web services
  5. Finally this java book teaches you about packaging and deploying java applications.
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Professional Java JDK 6 Edition

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Head First Java Second Edition (review only)

Head First Java Second Edition is written by Kathy Sierra. This is an introductory book available in the market to those who really want to learn java programming language and that too even without prior java experience. Head First Java Second Edition is published by O'Reilly Media. Using this book both new and experienced Java programmers can learn complete object- oriented programming.
Head First Java Second Edition covers following topics
  1. Object oriented design, object properties and methods, variable type and scope, Java archives, graphical user interfaces, network connectivity,Remote Method Invocation etc...
  2. Provides you with visually rich format designed with stable application in accordance with your brain.

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Head First Java, 2nd Edition

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Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition (review only)

Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition is writtenby Simon Brown, Sam Dalton, Daniel Jepp, Dave Johnson, Sing Li, Matt Raible. It is one of the absolute book available in the market to learn JSP 2 and 2.1 . Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition is published by Apress. This book helps you to learn how to choose and execute best resolution options for your web applications. Following this book both new and experienced Java programmers can develop secure level websites against malicious attack.
Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition covers areas like
  1. JSF integration with JSP.
  2. Provides you with an effective Java programming environment with stable application.
  3. Examines how to integrate with open source projects like Ant, Cactus, Struts, XDoclet, JUnit etc...
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Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition (Expert's Voice in Java)

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Core Java 2, Volume I:Fundamentals (review only)

Core Java 2, Volume I:Fundamentals is written by Cay S. Horstmann & Gary Cornell. It is one of the best book available in the market to learn Java 2 fundamentals. Core Java 2, Volume I:Fundamentals is published by Prentice Hall PTR. This book is a complete solution for those programmers who need genuine code to realistic problems. Using this book both new and experienced Java programmers can cover almost all core features of Java language
Core Java 2, Volume I:Fundamentals covers following topics in detail
  1. Teaches fundamental programming structures in Java.
  2. Provides you with an effective Java programming environment.
  3. Contains full length solid examples with in- depth explanations.
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Core Java(TM) 2, Volume I--Fundamentals (7th Edition) (Core Series) (Core Series)

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