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Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition (review only)

Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition is writtenby Simon Brown, Sam Dalton, Daniel Jepp, Dave Johnson, Sing Li, Matt Raible. It is one of the absolute book available in the market to learn JSP 2 and 2.1 . Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition is published by Apress. This book helps you to learn how to choose and execute best resolution options for your web applications. Following this book both new and experienced Java programmers can develop secure level websites against malicious attack.
Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition covers areas like
  1. JSF integration with JSP.
  2. Provides you with an effective Java programming environment with stable application.
  3. Examines how to integrate with open source projects like Ant, Cactus, Struts, XDoclet, JUnit etc...
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Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition (Expert's Voice in Java)

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